New Gorillaz Album Plastic Beach is out 8th march;
gorillaz Pictures, Images and Photos
minimix medley

Sounds really nice,
reviews so far;

  • BBC - "...not just one of the best records of 2010, but a release to stand alongside the greatest Albarn’s ever been involved with and a new benchmark for collaborative music as a whole."
  • Q - 5 stars out of 5 - "Some of the most forward-thinking pop you'll hear this or any year."
  • Uncut - 4 stars out of 5 - "A brilliant concept album, full of perfect pop singles."
  • Mojo - 3 stars out of 5 - "Albarn and co's eco-parable is loud but not clear."
  • Clash - 7 stars out of 10 - "Of course, there’s alot here to take in and maybe it just needs a fair few listens to fully digest it - the sign of any album worth its salt."

DOWNLOAD LINK > Plastic Beach (This will go quick, take take take)
