12. Bat For Lashes - Glass
Beautiful, especially when it gets going with the tribal drums.
Wolves running across moonlit plains and tall grass.
13. Moderat - Rusty Nails
Great track from the supposed "electronic supergroup" minimal but still good.
Sometimes less is more right?
14. Fever Ray - Keep the streets empty for me
Undoubtedly topping many a hitleryouthcut adorned hipsters "Albums of the year" lists, but it's haunting.
(I'm still waiting for the knifes next album though, boo)
15. Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport (Whole LP)
Experimental mess, lovely.
(Look in the tabs on the side, it's waiting for you)
16. Animal Collective - My Girls (The whole lp is good good good)
One of the best albums of the year. Naturally some people have rejected it citing it as too pop compared to before.
Naturally these people are cunts.
I'm being told to put something by wild beasts up.
as well as temper trap.
How about no?