Vitalic - Poison Lips from Seiji Ito on Vimeo.
poison lips taken from the album flashmob
I'm sure the disco revival will get boring fast but let's enjoy it whilst it lasts.
Justice are moving label from ed banger, and with uffie going astray and very little in the way of releases (Ed rec 4 anywhere? no?) fears abound that without mainstream hitters EB will die (or at least in its current form). Where is sebastiAn?
ms whatserface turns me on.
I don't even like ladies but her voice makes me shiver
oh baby baby.
I feel quite sick, I just watched trnsformers 2 revenge of the something.
The shittest film i've seen in a long long time. Seriously, don't bother. TWO AND A HALF HOURS of my life have been taken away from me. I feel like i've been mugged and raped in a dark alleyway in broad daylight.
Thomas bangalter of daft punk fame scored the film "irreversible" all in ultra-low frequencies to deliberately make you feel off centred and sicky.
it won't work through mpeg, but you can imagine.